Wednesday 8 December 2010

CrimeWatch (Part Two)

'Did you see what I saw?'

It was Danny, stood at his little desk by the front doors, with a smug yet worried smile on his face.

'I'm sorry?'
'The man. By the watches.'
'What?' I creased my face up and moved away from him.
'I saw it too. If he doesn't pay for that, we are having him.'

We? I'm not getting involved. I can't get involved. He's my neighbour. If he finds out I helped catch him, that's it. Home life will be hell. He's still got our stepladder that he borrowed off us, we'll never see that again.

'I don't know who you're talking about?'
'Yes you do.'

It's really shit when idiots get the better of you. I moved over to his desk.

'OK, but you should know something about him.'
'What?' Danny moved his head back. 'Is he dangerous?'
'God no.'

Yesterday he was out in the garden teaching his cousin how to skip. Hardy a dangerous man.

'I know him.' I said quietly.
'Brilliant. That will help us when the police arrive.'
'What? No. Not the police!'
'Yeah, they'll want his address. If he doesn't give it to us...'
'No, Danny. I can't be a part of this.'
'You don't have to. All you have to do is be a witness.'

That sounds like being a part of it.

'What? A witness? Why?'
'Well, I only caught a bit of it of camera. I need a witness for back up.'

I'm not a witness. I'm certainly not a back up. 'Back up' sounds like it requires skills and effort. Two things I can't pull off whilst trying to get my neighbour arrested. But sure enough, Jake was stopped at the door by Danny and a few managers. He was made to handover the watch and escorted to the security office. He said they where a little short on cash after their daughter was born, and needed a few Christmas presents. I got a call from Danny an hour later.

'Dylan. Can you come to my office please.'

It wasn't his office. He just used it like all the other colleagues who did his job.


There was a slight pause. Danny had to choose his words carefully in front of Jake.

'I need you to come and fill in a few details.'
'Can't I do it here...on the phone?'
'Why not?'
'You just can't.'
'I'm a bit busy, Danny.'

I wasn't. The car park was empty. I really didn't want to go and finish Jake off. Why can't people do it over the phone? The courts would be done a lot faster. Or even with text messages! 'WE FND THE DFENDENT NT GUILTY.' You'll be out by lunch and the guilty man wouldn't get to see you. You'd be safe.

I opened the heavy office door slightly and put my hand through the door.

'Can I have the details, please?' I asked, in a slightly lower voice.
'Come in. Take a seat, Dylan.'

I cleared my throat and tried again, hiding my face with the door and waving my hand about.

'The details. I'll fill them in out here.'
'Why?' Danny asked.
'I've told you, I'm busy!'

My lower voice disappeared when I said that. I was getting annoyed at Danny. He knew I knew Jake, but he still wouldn't give me the details.

'Just come in and sit down. It's not just something to fill in. We need you to tell us it was him.'
'Yes, It was.'
'You've not seen him yet.'
'I can just tell.'

I heard Danny get up and yank the door open, revealing my sweating face behind it. Jake was sat on a chair in the corner, looking up at me.

'Dylan! I didn't know you worked here!'

He smiled as he spoke, as if we'd just bumped into each other on the milk aisle. There was no need for hours of wondering who I was and avoiding me, he knew who I was straight away.

'Hiya! You all right?'

Of course he wasn't all right. He was ten minutes away from a pair of handcuffs on him.

'Yeah, I've been better.'
'Dylan. Is this the man who you saw with the watch?'
'Yes. No.'
'Yes and no.' I said quickly.
'Yes and no?' Danny asked.
'Yes. Yes and no. Yes I saw him with it. But no...I didn't know...'

Danny looked annoyed. Jake looked confused. I felt both.

'You...didn't see him put the watch in his pocket?'
'Well it was in his pocket when he chose to leave without paying.' Danny folded his arms.
'I've told you, I'm sorry.' Jake said sincerely.
'He is sorry.' I said.

Suddenly I was sticking up for him. I didn't want to be involved and now I was the defendants lawyer. I don't get paid enough for this.

'All we need from you is to confirm he put it in his pocket. Then we have a witness.'
'OK, but under one condition.' I sat down.
'We won't tell anyone in store, you'll be completely anonymous.'
'You won't have to go to court.'
'Just a quick chat to the police.'
'Not that...'

I looked at Jake.

'Can I have my stepladder back before you go to prison?'

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